Discussions about lube are like lube itself; they are immensely fun, flow smoothly, and stick on you while giving you a good feeling. You can use lubricant by yourself, but it is a lot more fun when shared with another.
Which is why you can sometimes, or honestly most of the time, run out of lube. If you do run out of lube, then you are losing a lot of pleasure and risking injuries. Going without lube can cause quite a bit of pain for the receiving end, as what a clinical study found out.
If you do not have lube, no need to worry; you can make your own personalized lube in the comfort of your home with common everyday materials! Here comes our favorite, lube made out of cornstarch!

What do you need?
It is very simple and easy to make! You need the following ingredients:
- 2 to 4 teaspoons of cornstarch – add more cornstarch if you want a stickier lube, but minimum should be two teaspoons.
- 1 cup of water.
- A container to boil, like a pan or a pot.
- Lastly, a plastic container to store the lube, like a hand sanitizer bottle or a plastic ketchup container.
What is the process?
The process only takes 10 to 20 minutes:
- Mix the cornstarch and the one cup of water in the pan or pot. Use two teaspoons or cornstarch first. Add more teaspoons if the mixture looks too transparent or light for you.
- Continuously stir the mixture until the pot or pan is boiling. This is important since there will be lumps if the mixture is not constantly stirred. Using a lumpy lube can be very off-putting!
- Let it cool. Please do not place it inside a refrigerator or freezer. Let it cool naturally. Placing it in a cold area affects the consistency and may make lumps.
- After a few minutes of cooling down, pour it into the plastic container.
Why Cornstarch Lube?
Why not?
Just kidding, but to answer you more seriously, cornstarch can actually protect you from frictional injuries and yeast infections.
There is a clinical study that delves more into this. A lot of people assumed that cornstarch can lead to a yeast infection. The study disproves that myth. In fact, it shows that cornstarch prevents the body from having an environment conducive for Candida Albicans, which is an apathogenic yeast.
The same study also shows that lubricant provides protection from friction injuries. This makes cornstarch lube very effective for safety.
Cornstarch is also used to take care of rashes. A popular health website recommends this to help people experiencing skin problems.
In short, cornstarch lube is very safe, can help you take care of skin diseases, and helps in preventing yeast infection if used properly.
We also covered how to use cornstarch to clean a sex toy.
Other similar do-it-yourself lubes
If you do not have cornstarch or are apprehensive about it, you can also use olive oil as it is, which puts you in the mood for a massage. Some love to use coconut oil as well, which gives a tropical scent.
One thing is for sure though. Cornstarch lube is easy to make and very fun to use. Try making and using it once. You will have a great memory and story to tell!